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How can I bulk apply quantity restrictions to multiple products at once?

One of the most amazing features of the WooCommerce Min Max quantity plugin helping store managers save time and energy is Bulk Actions. Using this feature, they can apply restriction rules on multiple products/ categories/ tags at once. 

In this tutorial, we want to show you how to use the Bulk Action feature in our plugin.

How to apply restriction rules on multiple products in bulk

  • Go to WordPress Dashboard > iThemeland > Min Max Quantity 
Open min-max quantity plugin for woocommerce
  • Open the Bulk Action tab
  • Click on the Add Rule button. 
Add rule for bulk action in min-max quantity plugin
  • Set the items in the add rule form as follow:
    • Select item type:  Choose Product from the list. 
select product item type for bulk action rule
  • Select products: Select the products that you want to apply the new restriction rule.
  • Exclude product: Mark this item if you want to exclude the selected products from the General rule you have set before.
select products for bulk action rule in min-max quantity plugin
  • Override product restriction: Mark this item If you want to set a new restriction rule and apply it to the selected products. In this case, you need to fill in the following fields:
    • Minimum quantity 
    • Maximum quantity
    • Quantity group of
  • Press the Add rule to apply new restriction rules on selected products.

How to apply restriction rules on multiple categories in bulk

  • In the Add rule form, choose Category from the drop-down list of the Select item type field.
  • Add desired categories to the Select Categories field.
  • Enable one of the below actions:
    • Exclude: To exclude the selected categories from the General rule you have already set.
    • Override quantity restrictions: ،o set new quantity limits for the selected categories. In this case, you have to specify the Minimum Quantity, Maximum quantity, and quantity group of as we described before.
    • Override spend restrictions: To set new spend limits and apply it to the selected categories. By marking this field, you need to fill in the following fields:
      • Minimum spend
      • Maximum spend
  • Click on the Add rule button to apply the restriction rule on the selected categories. 
select category item type for min-max quantity plugin bulk action

How to apply restriction rules on multiple tags in bulk

The steps to apply restriction rules on multiple tags are similar to multiple categories. To make it clear, let’s review the process by making an example:

Suppose that you want to let customers order 3 to 7 products from the Cute and Film tags.

  • In the Add rule form, choose Tag from the drop-down list of Select item type field.
  • Add Cute and Film to the Select tags fields field.
  • Mark Override quantity restrictions.
  • Fill the fields as follows:
    • Minimum quantity: 3
    • Maximum quantities 7
    • Quantity group of: 1
Apply bulk action restriction rule for tags
  • Click on the Add rule button to apply the restriction rule on the selected tags.

How to bulk delete restriction rules 

Bulk delete rules is a great solution when you want to disable the previous rules on your store. By bulk removing existing rules, there is no need to visit the product, category, or tag pages individually and disable the rules one by one. 

Here, you can find the instructions to bulk delete restriction rules with one click:

  • Open the Bull Action tab to see a list of all applied rules in the table.
  • Mark some rules in the list.
min-max quantity plugin bulk action rules list
  • Open the Bulk Actions drop-down list on top of the table.
  • Select the Delete option.
bulk action rule list dropdown
  • Press the Apply button to bulk delete all selected rules at once.
Bulk delete selected rules

As you can see the rules have been deleted from the list and they are not applied to the products, categories, or tags anymore.

result of bulk deleting rules

How to edit the existing restriction rule

In the Bulk Action tab, you can also edit the existing rules very fast and easily. To do this, you just need to hover over one of the rules in the list and click on one of the options:

edit rule and product in bulk action rules list

Edit rule

If you choose the Edit rule option, you can edit the restriction rule as you wish.

min-max quantity plugin edit rule page

Edit product

If you press the Edit product, the plugin will lead you to the product page and you can edit the rule by opening the Min/Max settings

min-max quantity plugin for woo edit product pafe


By clicking on the Delete option, this specific rule will be removed and it is not working anymore.

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