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How to setup price by user role for specific products?

The WooCommerce Role-Based Pricing plugin has great tools and options to allow store managers to configure different prices for different products based on the user roles that buy from their stores. This means that when users want to order products from your site, the plugin will automatically display the specified product prices based on their

How to setup price by user role for specific product variations?

The Role Based pricing for WooCommerce plugin is a great solution when you need to set different pricing for product variations based on user roles. In this way, the price of some product variations that you have selected in the plugin will be displayed differently from the regular price to the specified user roles. How

How to set price by user role on specific categories?

If you have different categories in your WooCommerce shop, it makes sense to offer different prices for products belonging to each category to different users. Fortunately, the WooCommerce Role Based Pricing plugin allows you to set prices by user role on specific categories. Set different prices for user roles in specific categories For example, suppose

How to setup a role-based pricing offer on a specific date?

Suppose you sell products to different user roles such as retailers and wholesale customers. In that case, you probably need to offer different prices on special occasions like Christmas, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, etc. to them. It is especially useful when you want to encourage some of them to buy more from your site on

Supported price adjustment types in WooCommerce role based pricing plugin

Adjustment types in the WooCommerce Role Based pricing plugin help you specify how the prices are displayed to different user roles. You can set the Adjustment Types in the Add Rule form for each user role as illustrated below: By default, five different Adjustment types are designed in a combo box in front of each

How to hide product prices for specific user roles?

Hiding product prices for specific user roles is a useful solution when you don’t want to display the price of products to some visitors of your online store. It is important when the prices are not fixed and change frequently or when you want to offer special prices to some users or change the prices

How to hide the add-to-cart button for special user roles?

If you want to prevent some users from ordering products directly from your site, it is very important to hide the add to cart button on the product page and archive page for those specific users.  You have no option in WooCommerce to make this happen, so, in the following, we want to show you

How to hide the price or add-to-cart button for guest users?

It is very common for store owners to decide to hide product prices or add-to-cart buttons for guest users and prevent them from ordering products before registration. Although WooCommerce has no option for hiding product prices or add-to-cart buttons, the WooCommerce Role Based pricing plugin provides you with all the necessary tools for doing this

Main settings for WooCommerce pricing by user role plugin

The WooCommerce Role Based Pricing plugin comes with many powerful tools and options for displaying or hiding prices or the add to cart button for different user roles in your website. In addition to the flexible items available in the Rules and Hide price tabs to manage how to display product prices or the add

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