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changing multi WooCommerce products status settings at the same time

Bulk edit multi WooCommerce products status settings is one of the easiest tasks you can do in the Woocommerce Bulk Product Editing Plugin in order to manage and control the status of your products.

Filtering in our plugin can help you to select exactly the products to bulk edit their status. We explained completely “How to filter products on Woocommerce bulk product editing?” according to the assigned data in another tutorial.

After filtering the preferred products by using the “Filter Form“, everything is ready to bulk editing status settings in the bulk edit option.

Click on “Bulk Edit” in the main page of our plugin to start bulk editing status.

A new screen will appear which is by default in the General Tab. In this tab, you have to scroll down to see the “Product Status” Option:

multi product status settings in WooCommerce bulk product editing plugin

As you can see in the below picture, There are four different options. You can use them to Change multi-product status settings, Such as:

  • Draft: The products which are not ready for publication and need more details before publishing.
  • Pending Preview: These products need to be reviewed to be published in the online store.
  • Private: A product with private status is manufactured by another producer or manufacturer, so it must be sold under a retailer’s brand name.
  • Published: All of your products that the customers can purchase from your eCommerce Website are under this category.
product status list

After choosing one of these status settings and clicking on “Do Bulk Edit”, the status of the filtered products will change according to your selection.

Changing multi WooCommerce products status settings from the table

There is also one possibility to bulk edit multi WooCommerce products status settings from the table of products in the main page.

At first, The status column is not displaying in the table of products, so the store manager must add the “Status Column” to the table.

result columns

you should click on “Column Profile” on the main page of our plugin and select your columns.

select column profile

In this page, you can easily check the “Status” Option and click on “Apply to Table”.

add status to table for changing status

As you see, our plugin added the “Status column” to the column and you can change the status setting of each product directly from the table.

Status column added in WooCommerce bulk product
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