How to export some coupons?

To export coupons in the WooCommerce Bulk Coupons Editing Plugin, you must click on the “Import / Export” tab. This page is divided into two separate sections for “Export” and “Import”. In the “Export” section there are the following options: 1- All coupons In Table: Export all coupons displayed in the table 2- Only Selected

How to revert the last changes?

For reverting and rollback changes in WooCommerce Bulk Coupons Editing Plugin follow below steps: Undo / Redo In the Toolbar, there are two buttons “Undo” and “Redo”. Clicking the “Undo” button returns your last operation to its previous state, and if you click “Redo”, the last change before hitting “Undo” will return. History By clicking

How to change the coupon amount?

There are some options in WooCommerce Bulk Coupons Editing Plugin that help you to change the coupon amount at the same time. This operation can be done in two ways: Inline Edit/Bind Edit Select your products Checked the “Bind Edit” if you want to change some coupons at the same time Click on “Coupon Amount”

How to define the expiry date for coupons?

Set the expiry date for coupons In WooCommerce Bulk Coupons Editing Plugin, has been done in two ways: Inline/Bind Edit Select your coupons Checked the “Bind Edit” if you want to change some coupons at the same time Click on “Coupon Expiry Date” fields in the table Select your date Click on “Apply Change” Bulk

How to limit coupon usage for some coupons?

In WooCommerce Bulk Coupons Editing Plugin, it’s possible to change the number of usage and limit the coupon usage in two ways: Inline Edit/Bind Edit Please follow the below steps: Select your desire coupons Checked “Bind Edit” if you want to edit some coupons at the same time Edit mentioned fields in the above image

Is it possible to define coupons for specific categories or products at the same time?

Yes! It’s possible to define coupons for specific categories and products via WooCommerce Bulk Coupons Editing Plugin through 2 ways: Inline Edit/ Bind Edit Select your products Checked the “Bind Edit” Click on each one of mentioned column in the above image and set your desire items Bulk Edit Select your products Checked the “Bulk

How can I search for coupons in specific fields?

You can filter coupons based on different fields, This means the WooCommerce Bulk Coupons Editing Plugin supports all of the WooCommerce coupon fields and you can search coupons in specific fields. To filter coupons you must follow the below steps:  Open the search form There are some tabs to categorize coupons fields Set your value

How to duplicate WooCoomerce coupons?

To duplicate a WooCommerce coupon or group of coupons in WooCommerce Bulk Coupons Editing Plugin, first of all, you should select your coupon(s) and then click the “Duplicate” button in the “Toolbar”. In the box that appears, enter the desired number of copies and finally click the “Start Duplicate” button. For more details please read

Is there any WooCommerce Bulk free version?

As you know, the WooCommerce Bulk Coupons Editing is available in both Free and Pro versions. The difference between WooCommerce Bulk free version and the Pro version is in the features and different parts of the plugin. What is the advantage of the free version? Before buying the original version, you can install the bulk

Download WooCommerce Bulk Plugin and Installation

As you know, the WooCommerce Bulk Coupons Editing Plugin is one of the WordPress plugins and you should download and install it such as another WordPress plugin. How to download WooCommerce Bulk Coupons Editing? To access and download the free version, you can get the free version here. In the Pro version, there are all

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