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How to limit coupon usage for some coupons?

In WooCommerce Bulk Coupons Editing Plugin, it’s possible to change the number of usage and limit the coupon usage in two ways:

Inline Edit/Bind Edit

manage 'usage limits' for coupons by WooCommerce Bulk Coupons Editing by ithemelandco
manage ‘usage limits’ for coupons by WooCommerce Bulk Coupons Editing

Please follow the below steps:

  1. Select your desire coupons
  2. Checked “Bind Edit” if you want to edit some coupons at the same time
  3. Edit mentioned fields in the above image
  4. Set your fix value or click on the calculator icon for advanced options

Bulk Edit

manage number of usage for coupons by WooCommerce Bulk Coupons Editing by ithemelandco
manage number of usage for coupons by WooCommerce Bulk Coupons Editing
  1. Select your desire coupons
  2. Click on “Bulk Edit
  3. Go to “Usage Limits” tab
  4. Set your value for desire fields
  5. Click on “Do Bulk Edit

The above operation is fully stated in the back of a separate article, which you can read if necessary.

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