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Is it possible to define coupons for specific categories or products at the same time?

Yes! It’s possible to define coupons for specific categories and products via WooCommerce Bulk Coupons Editing Plugin through 2 ways:

Inline Edit/ Bind Edit

Define coupons for specific products in WooCommerce Bulk Coupons Editing by ithemelandco
Define coupons for specific products in WooCommerce Bulk Coupons Editing
  1. Select your products
  2. Checked the “Bind Edit”
  3. Click on each one of mentioned column in the above image and set your desire items

Bulk Edit

Define coupons for specific categories in WooCommerce Bulk Coupons Editing by ithemelandco
Define coupons for specific categories in WooCommerce Bulk Coupons Editing
  1. Select your products
  2. Checked the “Bulk Edit”
  3. Go to “Usage Restriction” tab
  4. Select your desired terms for mentioned fields in the above image
  5. Click on “Do Bulk Edit”

The above operation is fully stated in the separate article, which you can read if necessary.

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If after reading the articles you still think have unanswered questions or need custom work for your plugin, contact iThemeland Support.

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