How to revert the last changes?

Revert the last changes can be done in two ways in WooCommerce Bulk Orders Editing Plugin if you need to reverse operations or operations. Undo / Redo In the Toolbar, there are two buttons “Undo” and “Redo”. Clicking the “Undo” button returns your last operation to its previous state, and if you click “Redo”, the

How to add customer notes for some orders at the same time?

For adding customer note, you should edit each order and add it but You can do it in WooCommerce Bulk Orders Editing Plugin quickly through 2 ways: Inline Edit/ Bind Edit Select your order Checked the “Bind Edit” if you want to edit multiple orders at the same time Click on “Customer Note” Column Select

How to change Billing and Shipping Fields?

You can change bulling and shipping fields it in the WooCommerce Bulk Orders Editing Plugin through 2 ways: Inline Edit/ Bind Edit Add your Billing & Shipping columns to the table through “Column Profile” Select your orders Checked the “Bind Edit” if you want to edit multiple orders at the same time Click on desire

How to change order status

Change order status is a useful action in shop, In WooCommerce Bulk Orders Editing Plugin this operation can be done in two ways: Inline Edit/Bind Edit Select your orders Click on “Bind Edit” in the toolbar If you want to change multiple orders at the same time Click on the “Status” column and select your

How can I customize the order and title of columns in the table?

An important feature of the WooCommerce Bulk Orders Editing Plugin is that you can create and manage a separate column for each field in the WooCommerce Order and customize the order and title of columns too. Column Manager To manage the columns, enter the ‘Column Manager’ section. In this section, there is a list of

How can I edit just specific orders in specific status?

You can manage all of your orders in-store. For example Add, Edit or Delete. Sometimes you need to edit specific orders in specific status, all of them are possible in the WooCommerce Bulk Orders Editing plugin. First of all, you should filter orders by Order Status, please follow below steps: 1- Click on the “Filter

How can I find orders based on specific Billing or Shipping information?

You can filter orders based on different fields. One of the most commonly used is filtering orders by billing and shipping fields. In WooCommerce Bulk Orders Editing Plugin, using the advanced search form, it is possible to search and filter based on the types of fields available for each order. To filter orders by billing

Where can I purchase the pro version of woocommerce bulk Orders editing?

You can purchase the Pro version of the WooCommerce Bulk Orders Editing plugin through the Codecanyon site. The article “How to download WooCommerce Bulk Orders Editing Plugin?” provides a complete explanation of this. Do you still have a problem? If after reading the articles you still think have unanswered questions or need custom work for

Is there any WooCommerce Bulk free version?

As you know, the WooCommerce Bulk Orders Editing is available in both Free and Pro versions. The difference between WooCommerce Bulk free version and the Pro version is in the features and different parts of the plugin. What is the advantage of the free version? Before buying the original version, you can install the bulk

Download WooCommerce Bulk Plugin and Installation

As you know, the WooCommerce Bulk Orders Editing Plugin is one of the WordPress plugins and you should download and install it such as another WordPress plugin. How to download WooCommerce Bulk Product Editing? To access and download the free version, you can get the free version here. In the Pro version, there are all

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