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How to save and load column profiles on the WooCommerce bulk orders editing plugin?

Save and load column profiles on the WooCommerce bulk orders editing plugin lets you manage the columns displayed on the order table very easily. Saving the columns you need frequently in a profile and loading them just by one click can also prevent wasting your time for specifying displayed columns on the table one by one.

Let’s see how you can use options provided in our plugin to save and load column profiles.

Save column profiles

To create new column profiles in our plugin, we designed a separate page called “Column manager”. To have access to the options provided in this page, you need to open the “Column manager” tab from the main page of our plugin.

We divided the “Column manager” page into two sections: “Column Profiles” and “Create New Profiles”.

Save column profiles in WooCommerce bulk orders editing plugin

To create column profile, you have to use the related options designed in the second section including:

Search field to find desire column for save as column profile

In the search field, you just need to type some part of a column title to let plugin filter it for you. Then you can add it to the column profile easily.

find order field and add to order table in WooCommerce bulk orders editing plugin

For example, we typed Customer in the Search box and all columns that their titles include Customer have been filtered:

column manager in woocommerce bulk orders editing

Select All button

If you need to add all columns to the table, it’s a good idea to press the “Select All” button and create a profile according to them. If you click on the Unselect button, this process will reverse.

access to all of order field in column manager section

Column’s list

In the column’s list, you can see the list of all columns available to be displayed on the order table. In order to save a column profile, you need to add some of them to the opposite box by marking their checkbox and clicking on the “Arrow” icon designed in front of each.

For example, we marked those columns filtered before as illustrated below:

list of order's column in column manager section

Then added them to the opposite box by pressing Arrow icon:

manage columns in woocommerce bulk orders editing

Manage columns box

At the top of the manage columns box, there is a Textbox that you can type the name of your column profile.

For example, we typed “Customer order Columns” as shown below:

change the title of columns in order table in bulk order editing

In the manage columns box, we have provided a lot of useful options to help you easily save your column profile. Let’s review them together.

Changing the order of columns 

To change the order of columns, you can easily hold your click on the left icon, drag the item and drop it whenever you need.

Changing the order of columns in order table via woocommerce bulk orders editing

Change background and Text color of columns 

Two color boxes designed in front of each column to let you quickly change the color of background 

Change background color and text color of column in woocommerce bulk order editing

Or text of that column to customize its appearance on the order table:

change Text color in order table in bulk editing

Delete columns

If you click on the “X” icon in front of each column, it will be removed from the column manager box as shown below:

Delete columns in column manager

Save Preset

After customizing everything in the column manager box, you can save the column profile by clicking on the “Save preset” button. 

As soon as saving the profile column, it will be added to the “Column Profiles” list at the top of the page with the same name you have set before.

In this section, you have also access to Edit or Delete options:

Save Preset and load selected column just by one click

Load saved profile and edit

By clicking on the Edit button in front of each column profile, a new pop-up will appear enabling you to customize it again. The options provided here is exactly the same as column manager box as you can see in the below picture:

Edit column profiles and change label and color

Delete column profiles 

You can also remove those column profiles by clicking on the Delete button in front of them.

Please note that it is not possible to Edit or Delete the default column profiles of our plugins which are:

  • Default: Include all columns available in the plugin
  • Billing Fields: only include the Billing Columns 
  • Shipping fields: Only include the Shipping Columns 
Delete column profiles in woocommerce bulk orders editing

Now, it’s time to load the saved Column Profile.

Load column Profiles

To load one of the column profiles, you need to go back to the main page of our plugin by clicking on “Woo Orders” on the “WordPress Dashboard” then open the “Column Profile” form by pressing the “Column Profile” icon.

Load column Profiles for displaying desire column in order table

At the top of the “Column Profile” form, we designed a combo box in front of “Choose preset” including a list of all column profiles saved before via “Column Manager” tab.

As shown below, we chose “Customer Order Columns” from the “Choose preset” list:

Choose preset list of saved columns

It is also possible to add or remove any columns directly in this form as we described in “How to manage order columns on WooCommerce bulk orders editing?”.

However, the purpose of using this form is loading one of the saved presets. So, we just selected that column profile and clicked on “Apply to table” button:

access to preset column in column profile in WooCommerce bulk orders editing

As shown below, the columns we have set in the “Column manager” is displayed in the order table exactly with our customizations:

load orders column in desire order and background and text color
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