WooCommerce bulk orders editing plugin is one of the most effective and powerful plugins for bulk editing all order fields defined in WooCommerce.
We have no restrictions or limitations on this plugin. You have access to all fields of WooCommerce orders, even the custom fields that you have added to the WooCommerce order page personally.
To recognize the power of our plugin for bulk editing WooCommerce orders, we are going to introduce you to all fields supported by it in this tutorial. Let’s jump to it.
All order fields supported in bulk edit form
To support all fields related to the WooCommerce orders and also help you to find them easily for editing, we have divided them into six categories including:
- General
- Billing
- Shipping
- Pricing
- Other Fields
- Custom Fields
It is almost obvious that each category contained which fields. However, to have a better insight about the Bulk Edit form, it’s important to take a closer look. So, follow us to review them one by one.
General fields tab

In the General tab you could find the below fields related to the WooCommerce orders:
Date and paid date fields
They can be edited by using a built-in calendar to pick a date very easily

To edit status, you need to choose the items listed in the combo box.

Customer note as order fields
To assign any note to the “Customer note”, you just need to type a text in the Textbox.
Order note field
For editing “order note”, you have to first specify if you want to edit a “Private Note” or “Customer note”, then you can type any text on the Textbox to be assigned to that field.
Billing fields tab
All fields related to the order billing are provided in this tab which are:
- First / Last Name
- Billing Address 1, 2
- City / Country / State
- Billing Company
- Email / Phone / Postcode

As we described “How to change multi order billing fields at the same time?” in another tutorial, we just skip explaining more and jump right to the next tab.
Shipping fields tab
All fields related to the order shipping are provided in this tab which are:
- First / Last Name
- Shipping Address 1, 2
- Shipping City / Country / State
- Company
- Email / Phone / Postcode

If you need more information about “How to change multi order shipping fields at the same time?”, please refer to the related tutorial.
Pricing fields tab
We have listed all fields related to the order pricing in the Pricing tab including:

Order currency fields
To edit this field, you can easily choose one of the currencies from the built-in list we have provided for you.
Cart discount / Cart discount tax / Order total fields
To edit these fields, you need to change their amount, so, we designed two boxes in front of them to make editing their values more convenient for you:
Condition box
From the condition box, you can manage how to change the current value of the field according the new value entered in the Textbox by set a condition which are:
- Set New
- Clear Value
- Formula
- Increase / Decrease Value
- Increase / Decrease by %

You are allowed to type any number in the Textbox to let the plugin apply the selected condition to it.
If you need any help for bulk editing via the conditions provided in this tab, you can find an ultimate guid in “How to Bulk Edit Cart Discount of WooCommerce orders?”.
Other Fields of order
In the “other fields” tab, we listed some fields that you can use the combo box designed in front of each for bulk editing.
These fields are:
- Create Via
- Payment method
- Shipping tax
- Order Shipping
- Coupon Usage Counts
- Order Stock Reduced
- Prices index tax

Custom Fields
As we totally describe in “How to add custom field / meta key to WooCommerce bulk edit plugin?”, you have full access to all custom fields added in the Meta Fields tab in this part to bulk edit your orders according to them.