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Rollback to the previous data in Woocommerce bulk product editing plugin

Rollback to the previous data is needed, if you made any mistake in bulk editing the product features or if you want to display the products with the previous features that you have already changed.

To rollback the previous data of your products, you have two ways in the Woocommerce bulk product editing plugin:

  1. Using Undo/Redo button
  2. Using History

Note: These options can help you to load the previous changes that you have made in this plugin. However, if you made any changes via the Woocommerce product page or other plugins, using these options is useless.

Using Undo / Redo button

We designed the Undo / Redo button to help you load the last changes you have made in the products. So, if you edit the products in different steps, you can reload just the changes you made in the last step by clicking on the “Undo” button.

For example, consider the below product table:

Using Undo / Redo Button in WooCommerce bulk product editing plugin

At the first step, we want to edit the Regular price of both products and increase their value by 2. By clicking on “Apply Changes”, we will make the first history of inline Edit as below:

bind edit for apply same changes at same time in WooCommerce bulk product
calculator in WooCommerce bulk product

At the second and third steps, we “Bind Edit” the “Sale Time from” and “Sale Time To” as you can see in the below picture:

change sale Time in WooCommerce bulk product editing plugin

Now, if we click on the “Undo” button, we expect to roll back the “Sale Time to” data as it was our last change in the product table. 

In the below picture, the result of clicking on “Undo” Button is obvious:

rollback result in WooCommerce bulk product editor

On the contrary, if we click on “Redo” button, now, you can display this data again:

restore the latest changes in bulk product editing

Now, let’s see how we can roll back data of other steps in the History tab.

Using history

In the “History” tab, you have access to some filter options to quickly find and roll back data. This filter form includes below fields:

select history tab

Filter histories by


In the Operation field, you can select if you need to see the history of changes you made by “Bulk Edit” or “Inline Edit”.

rollback section and restore change in WooCommerce bulk product editing


By selecting the “Author” you can see the changes that the special author had made to the products and you can rollback to them as you prefer:

rollback the changes of specific author


Sometimes you are looking for the changes that were made on a specific field and you need to roll back the data of that field. However, it is easily possible to type the name of that field in the text box such as ID, Title, Category, Color, Size, etc.

search by specific order id and restore changes


The “Date” field in the filter form of “History” tab enables you to see the changes applied to your products on a specific date.

We provide a calendar in this field to help you pick your preferred date easier.

WooCommerce bulk product editing rollback

In this tutorial, we need to see the changes made on the “Regular Price” field of our products from 16.Apr.2024 to 20.Apr.2024 by Bind Edit.

So we have to set the filter options as below:

  • Operation: Inline Operation
  • Field: Regular Price
  • Date: From 16.Apr.2024 to 20.Apr.2024

By clicking on “Apply Filters”, a list of all changes you have made according to the selected conditions would be displayed:

In this list, you can choose one of the previous changes and rollback their data by clicking on the “Revert” button.

Now, if we revert data from the third row, it is obvious that all the changes we have made will disappear and our product table will be displayed as the beginning of this tutorial:

Revert button and revert last change in WooCommerce bulk product editor

Other Options:

1- Delete

There is a “Delete” button in front of each row and when you click it, those data are no possible to rolled back.

2- Clear History

Remove all items you have filtered by clicking on “Clear History”.

3- Reset Filter

Anytime, you need to filter the data history again by any other options, you can click on “Reset Filter” to start filtering Data again.

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