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How to convert multi simple products To external in WooCommerce variations bulk edit plugin?

Converting multi simple products to external is very important when you have some products in your online store which must be purchased from another website or you need to resell them as an affiliate.

To bulk edit those products and convert their type to external, there is a easy way in WooCommerce variations bulk edit plugin as following:

Filter simple products

To filter simple products, you need to:

  • Go to the main page of our plugin from WordPress dashboard > IT Bulk Editing > Woo Variations.
  • Click on “Filter Form“.
click filter form for get simple products
  • Open ”Type“ tab.
  • Open the combo box in front of “Product Type“.
search for product type in bulk plugin
  • Select “Simple Product” from the list.
simple products in woocommerce bulk product editing
  • Click on “Get Product” to filter simple products.
convert simple products to external

You can set other filters to choose the right products. If you need more help for filtering the products, we recommend you to check our tutorial about how to filter products in WooCommerce variations bulk edit plugin.

Convert multi simple products to external

To convert multi simple products to external you need to click on the “Bulk Edit” button and continue as following:

  • Open the “Type” tab in the bulk edit form.
  • Open the combo box in front of “Product Type”.
  • Choose “External / Affiliate” product from the list.
  • Click on “Do bulk edit”.

As you can see in the below picture, all simple products we had filtered are now converted to external:

convert multi simple products To external easily

Convert multi simple products to external by bind edit

Bind editing is another way to convert multi simple products to external directly from the product table.

To bind edit simple products you need to follow below actions:

convert simple products to external by bind edit
  • Add “Product Type” column from the “Column Profile” to the product table.
  • Filter the right products.
  • Mark “Bind Edit” in the main page toolbar.
  • Select the products you need to be converted in the table.
  • Open the combo box of “Product Type” column in front of one the products.
  • Choose “External / Affiliate Product” from the list.
  • Press enter button on keyboard.
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