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Main settings in WooCommerce variations bulk edit plugin

the main settings in the WooCommerce variations bulk edit plugin is one of the useful sections in our plugin containing some powerful options enabling you to set bulk editor settings.

You have access to main settings in the below address:

WordPress dashboard > IT Bulk Editing > Woo Variations > Settings

click on settings icon

By opening this page, you can set the below main settings:

Count per page

In the combo box in front of this field some default values are listed including:

  • 10
  • 25
  • 50
  • 75
  • 100
  • 500
  • 1000

You can choose one of them to specify how many products to be displayed in each page of the product table.

count per page setting

Default sort by

In the “Default sort by Field” of main “Settings” page, there is the most useful field for sorting the products in the table including:

  • ID
  • Title
  • Regular price
  • Sale price
  • SKU
  • Manage stock
  • Stock quantity
  • Stock Status 

When you choose one of these fields and click on “Save Changes”, all products will be sorted according to it in the product table.  

default sort by setting

This resulted in:

display products in customized settings

Default sort

In the default sort, you can choose one of the below options from the related combo box:

  • ASC: The products in the table will be sorted in ascending order of the selected sort option.
  • DESC: The products in the table will be sorted in descending order of the selected sort option.
default sort setting

Close popup after applying

Most of the operations that occur in the plugin are done in the pop-up. If you set this field to “Yes”, this popup will be closed after completion of operation. Otherwise, it will remain in place and you have to manually close the popup using the Esc key on the keyboard or the close popup icon.

Sticky ID and title columns

In this part of the main “settings” tab, you can choose if you need to “ID” and “Title” columns displayed in the product table as sticky columns or not by selecting “Yes or No” from the combo box.  

sticky ID and title columns setting

Display columns label

Display Columns Label” is a good option if you need to see the information related to each column on the top of the product table. By choosing “complete” for this item, the full name of each column will be displayed on the top and by choosing “In short”, a brief title will be displayed.   

display column label setting

For example, as shown below when we choose “In short”, the name of the category column changed to “PRODUCT CATE.” Instead of “product category”:

Display column title in short

Enable thumbnail popup

Thumbnail popup is a small picture displayed on the product table when you hold a cursor on a product image. However, if you choose “No” from the dropdown list in front of this item, this pop-up image will not appear anymore.

Enable thumbnail popup setting

You can see the difference of choosing “Yes” or “No” option in this main settings field in the below table: 

show thumbnail in popup

Keep filled data in bulk edit form

If we set this option to “Yes“, the bulk edit form will not be reset after making changes and the entered values will remain in the form. Otherwise, after clicking the “Do Bulk Edit” button, the values entered in the form fields will be deleted.

Show only filtered variations

If you set this option to “Yes”, only the variations of a variable product will be displayed in the product table, and the product parent (main product) will not be displayed. This option is useful when we want to search for a specific variation in the filter form and want to edit it.

show only filtered variations setting

For example, the store manager intends to change the price of only large size products. If this option is “No” and we use the filter form, the product table will be displayed like this after applying the filter.

Set no for show only filtered variations field

We have to find and select that variation among other variations to change the large sizes.

While if the option is “Yes”, the product table will be displayed as below after applying the filter.

Set Yes for show only filtered variations field

Only the product large variation is displayed and we no longer have to find it among other variations.

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