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How to bulk edit multi products variation description in WooCommerce variation bulk edit plugin?

The product description is one of the most important parts of any online store, which provides customers with important information about each product. In stores where there are many variable products, similar descriptions are usually written for the variables of each product, and sometimes store managers need to bulk edit them quickly.

WooCommerce variation bulk edit plugin allows you to easily filter the variable products you need to edit product descriptions and apply the changes you want with a few clicks.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to bulk edit the product description with some examples.

Edit description of one product variation

In the first example, suppose that you want to add BIG SALE to the description of some variable products whose stock quantity is less than 3.

To do this, you have to follow 3 simple steps:

  1. Filter products.
  2. Select products in the table.
  3. Use Bulk Actions form to edit the Description of the selected variation.

Below, we are going to explain these steps in more detail.

Filter desired products 

Filtering products in our plugin is simply possible by using a comprehensive Filter Form. To open this form, you need to press the Filter icon on the toolbar as displayed below:

Click filter products icon

Then you can click on one of the 7 tabs at the top of the form to find the field(s) which are suitable for your filtering purpose.

In this example, you need to filter products by their stock qty. So, you have to:

  • Click on the Stock tab.
  • Write 1 in the first text box of the Stock qty field.
  • Write 3 in the second text box of the Stock qty field.
  • Click on Get Products button.
filter product by stock quantity

Select filtered products

As soon as clicking on the Get Products button in the Filter Form, all products whose stock quantity is less than 3 are displayed in the table.

Now, you can choose some of them to bulk edit their description by clicking on the Manage Variations icon and choosing this option.

select filtered product and manage variations

Edit Description of one product variation 

To edit the Description of one product variation, try to follow below steps:

  1.  Scroll over products by using navigators (1) or choose one product from the list (2).
  2. Check the variations in the table and click on the Edit icon of each variation that you want to change its description (3).
navigate products and edit individual variation

By pressing the edit icon, you can see the Bulk actions form and try to add BIG SALE to the description as illustrated below:

add text to product description

When you write the text in the box, click on the Do Bulk button to make changes to the selected variation.

Bulk edit description of multi products variations

To bulk edit the description of multi variations, follow the below steps:

  • Scroll over products to find the variations you need in the table.
  • Mark the variations in the table.
  • Click on the Edit icon on the toolbar.
  • Choose Selected Variations.
edit multi product description

In the Bulk Actions form, write a phrase or make any other changes you want in the description.

In this example, we wrote, 50% OFF in the description box.

Then click on the Do Bulk button, to apply the changes on the description of all selected variations.

Bulk edit multi product description

Note: If you choose All variations of selected products, the description of all variations will be changed at the same time.

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