
How to get useful and effective reports from WooCommerce?

Get useful and effective reports from WooCommerce
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One of the most important parts of WooCommerce is the report section, where you can see reports about what products you have in stock, how many customers placed orders in your shop, or how many sales you have had in a specific period.

Receiving reports in WooCommerce can be based on the sold product, customer buying behavior, orders received and many other parameters. However, receiving detailed and advanced reports requires the installation of appropriate plugins.

In this article, we will introduce the WooCommerce report plugin to you so that you can receive more detailed sales reports required for improving the productivity and efficiency of your WooCommerce stores.

Why do you need WooCommerce Reports?

Every person, as the owner or manager of an online store, must have information about the sales of their store’s products to plan for increasing its profit. Receiving information like WooCommerce sales reports can help the manager to:

Sales analytics is a method that businesses can use to forecast sales trends and model their sales process. Analytics typically include charts that collect and compare sales data, such as orders received, purchases, and customer interactions with different products. It is helpful for marketing and sales teams to define metrics for sales analysis at the beginning of the marketing campaign to best track their performance and progress. WooCommerce reporting can help achieve these goals and be a complete and comprehensive guide to predicting future sales trends.

Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the online store

Receiving WooCommerce reports, such as top product sales or customer buying behavior over the past month or the last year, can help store managers determine what sales practices work best. Marketing teams and sales representatives can track each step of the process and its success individually. For example, marketers can gather analytics about which products were bought more by customers compared to the ones that had fewer sales and use that information to offer products that are more popular with customers and are more profitable to be provided in the online store in the future.

Plan to increase sales

Receiving WooCommerce sales report based on different parameters like the products with maximum sales or the products that customers are interested in help store owners to determine a specific framework and estimate for subsequent management decisions. Using these statistics enables them to manage the process of boosting their sales and offering more profitable products.

Create different types of reports without specialized knowledge

Of course, in order to have a suitable reporting system for your type of business, you need to determine your indicators and elements. One of the most important indicators of a successful business is the result of a sales report.

In the past, in order to create a sales reporting system, you had to use special tools and knowledge; however, the recent progress in technology, especially in the field of e-commerce businesses, makes receiving sales reports much easier. We are now able to use professional tools like WooCommerce reporting to have any type of report without the need for specialized knowledge.

Different types of WooCommerce reports

Analyzing reports gives the store manager general information about the sales process in the online store. Using different types of WooCommerce reports, you can easily choose a specific strategy for boosting your sales to achieve your goals faster.

There are many different reports to get help from them for analyzing the success of your eCommerce store. The most effective of them are:

WooCommerce sales report

For any online store, analysis of sales reports data is very necessary because the result of this analysis shows you the exact situation of your business. You can make the right decisions about your business by properly analyzing the data. But when the data becomes too much, getting accurate and actual reports requires more precision and focus. Among the most important types of sales reports that you need to analyze the profitability of your store, the following can be mentioned:

WooCommerce product reports

In the product reports, you can choose a simple, variable, category, or any other product parameter and see how much of it has been sold. There is no limit to receiving reports in this section, even if you want to observe your best-selling products. This way, you can find out what products have more demands. You can also have a complete inventory report in the WooCommerce product reports section, like products that are low in stock or unavailable.

WooCommerce coupons reports

This type of report shows the maximum amount of discount and the number of coupons used on your site. You can also specify this report based on total discounts, total discounts of a coupon, etc.

This type of report can give you a comprehensive insight into the issued and used coupons on your website. For example, you can get a complete report on the coupons applied to different orders.

WooCommerce sales by customer

Receiving reports based on customers is one of the most important reports that every site manager needs.

Using this report, you can see how much and what products each customer has bought. For example, you can see how many orders were placed by customer X, how much he bought, which city he bought from, and which product was their last order.

WooCommerce Taxes report

The reports for Taxes allow you to view Taxes by country or by date, for example, the last year, last month, this month, and custom dates you enter.

WooCommerce cart report

Getting a complete report of shopping carts added by customers to your site and analyzing user behavior in shopping carts can greatly help your sales and play an essential role in your income.

This report shows you the number of shopping carts opened, abandoned, or converted into money by your customers, and you can view these reports monthly, daily, annually, or at a specific time, enabling you to Implement an excellent strategy for reducing abandoned carts and increasing your sales.

How can WooCommerce report plugin help you create useful and effective reports?

WooCommerce has a default reporting system that can be used to receive simple reports.

woocommerce default report
WooCommerce default report

You can see that the WooCommerce reports page includes the following four tabs, each of which provides brief reports of that respective section.

  • Orders
  • Customers
  • Store
  • Taxes

But if you are managing a big online store with many products and customers, the WooCommerce reporting section will not be very effective for you due to its many limitations. Therefore, needs a more helpful plugin that provides you with complete and comprehensive reports based on your needs.

WooCommerce report plugin is one of the practical and professional extensions that fortunately do not require special knowledge. According to the available guidelines and extensive information, it is possible to work with this tool quickly.

WooCommerce Report Plugin banner

As shown in the picture below, there is no limitation for creating reports in this plugin. You can choose your desired parameter from the dashboard and receive any types of WooCommerce reports that you need to evaluate your eCommerce business’s productivity.

woocommerce report menu
WooCommerce report plugin menus

Let’s get familiar with the most useful reports you can create in this plugin:

Order Reports

In the Order tab of our plugin, you can choose to generate different types of reports based on many parameters such as Billing, Simple Product, Variation product, Refund orders, etc.

By choosing each of these options, you can see a table with different columns related to the type of report you have chosen.

There is also a search list on each page where you can set a date by using a calendar designed in the form to see the results related to that period.

Here is the most helpful Order Report you can create by using the WooCommerce report plugin:

All orders report

To see all order reports, first, you need to choose the date in the search form.

For example, as shown in the picture below, we set the date to get all order reports for the last year from 19.09.2021 to 19.09.2022.

When you set the date, by clicking on the Search button, a list of all orders placed on that interval will be displayed in the order table, and you can see other details about each order in different columns as well.

At the bottom of the page, a total report is also available informing you about some important data, including total order count, total qty, the total amount of all orders, etc.

woocommerce all orders report
WooCommerce report plugin menus

Order Billing reports

Order billing report is another useful piece of information you may need to analyze your store sales. In our plugin, you can see a list of orders with details such as Billing Address, State, country, etc.

woocommerce order billing report
WooCommerce order billing report

By clicking on the Select columns option at the top of the table, you can choose which data to be displayed in the order of the Billing report:

woocommerce order billing report
Set order billing report columns

Order/country report

If you are managing an international business that sells products worldwide, analyzing the orders placed in different countries can help you make proper decisions to boost your sales.

By choosing Order/country report in our plugin and setting a date in the search form, the number of items sold in each country with some other helpful information is reported as below:

woocommerce order per country report
WooCommerce order per country report

Order status report

In the order status report, the number and amount of orders with different statuses will be displayed in the table, and you can check how many orders are completed, on hold, or refunded.

WooCommerce order status report

Refund order report

There is a special item in our plugin for refund orders. By getting this report, you can see how many orders are refunded on a specific date you have chosen in the search form.

woocommerce refund order report
WooCommerce Refunded order report

Product reports

“Product” is another tab in this plugin that allows store managers to get comprehensive and accurate reports about their product sales; among more than ten types of reports that you can create by using this option, the following reports are used  mostly:

Purchased product report

In the Purchased product report, which is known as a sales report for the store manager,  you can see a list of all products sold in your online store during the date you have chosen in the search form with some other details like the product name, categories, tags, Qty, amount, etc.

This is one of the essential reports for analyzing an eCommerce website’s total income and getting useful information from the store managers about the products that are more attractive for customers to buy.

woocommerce purchased product report
WooCommerce purchased product report

Purchased variation report

This is another helpful report for store managers who wants to know which product variations have more sales so they can order more from that variation to satisfy their customers.

As shown below, by choosing the Purchased variation report in our plugin and setting the date in the search form, you can receive a comprehensive report about the variations sold at that time interval:

woocommerce purchased variation report
WooCommerce purchased variation report

All product report

By choosing All product report, you can see a full report about your simple and variable products with detailed information such as how many are in stock, which variations are available, and so on.

Like other reports, you can manage to display your preferred columns in the table by clicking on selected columns and marking the information you need, as illustrated below:

woocommerce all products report
WooCommerce all products report

Purchased product Qty report

If you need to know how many products have been sold during a specific date in your online store, you can use this report. As you can see in the below picture, all products with their purchased Qty are displayed as a list:

woocommerce purchased qty report
WooCommerce purchased product quantity

Product Category report

Sometimes you need to know which categories have more sales in your online shop. In this situation, a product category report is your best option.

In this report, a list of all categories with their purchase qty and amount is reported as below:

woocommerce purchased category report
WooCommerce purchased category report

Purchased product by customer report

This is a helpful report when you want to know the customer purchasing behavior. In this report, you can see that each customer is more interested in buying one of your products. This is valuable data when you want to offer a promotion to your loyal customers and satisfy them to buy more from your online store:

woocommerce purchased product per customer report
WooCommerce purchased product per customer report

Product stock report

By creating this report in our plugin, you can see a list of of all products available in the stock with their qty:

WooCommerce product stock report

Zero Level Stock

There are always some products in your online store that have more sales, and you don’t want your customer to see an “Out of stock” message when trying to order one or more of them.

To avoid this, you must get zero-level stock regularly and try to order those products that are out of stock very soon.

In this report, the default qty is set to 0; however, by opening the search form, you can set the qty to less than, for example, 10, to instruct the plugin to report them by clicking on the Search button:

woocommerce zero-level report
WooCommerce zero-level report

Brands Report

If you are selling products with different brands in your online store, this is a useful report informing you about the most attractive brands for your customers.

In this report, you can see the list of brands with their total qty and purchased amount:

woocommerce brand report
WooCommerce brand report

Customer reports

Customer and Customer Role/Group tabs are both practical when you want to know about the products sold to each customer or a group of them; you can know the loyal customers or the customers who are not involved with the brand. In this way, you can design and implement marketing and communication activities according to each customer.

woocommerce all customer report
WooCommerce all customer report

Customer analysis report

This is one of the most important reports that all store managers need to know about. In this report, you can see the purchasing behavior of new customers and repeat customers in different months:

woocommerce customer analysis report
WooCommerce customer analysis report

Customer Min/Max report

By choosing this report, you can observe which customers buy more from your online shop:

woocommerce customer min/max report
WooCommerce customer min/max report

Customer non-purchased report

To review the total amount of abandoned carts, you can check the customer non-purchased report. This report gives an insight into the date, amount, and number of orders placed by each customer without finishing the payment process:

woocommerce non-purchased customers report
WooCommerce non-purchased report

More report

There are some useful reports provided under the More report option, including:

  • Billing country
  • Billing State
  • Billing City
  • Payment gateway
  • Coupon
  • Coupon discount
  • Project VS actual sale

For example, if you choose Billing Country report, a list of all countries with their order qty and amount is displayed to you:

woocommerce billing country report
WooCommerce billing country report

Advanced reporting of WooCommerce report plugin

In addition to the simple WooCommerce sales reports you can get from this plugin, there are also advanced reports that will help you practically reach your goals. Some of these reports include:

Cross tab (Two-parameter) reports

This option, available in the Cross tab section, helps you get the report you want by specifying two parameters. For example, by choosing “Payment Gateway/Month,” you can observe the orders paid by different payment gateways each month, as shown below:

woocommerce payment gateway per month report
WooCommerce payment gateway per month report

Comparison of actual sales with forecasted sales

One of the interesting reports that you can get from the WooCommerce report plugin is a comparison report between your forecast and actual sales. To receive such a report, you can specify your forecast for other months at the beginning of a year. Then at the end of the year or in the middle of each month, you can also receive your actual sales report and see a comparison with what you predicted in a chart.

This report is available under the More Report tab as Project S Actual sale:

woocommerce targeted and actual report
WooCommerce actual VS targeted sale report

WooCommerce report plugin extra features

In the WooCommerce report plugin, for the convenience of store managers, other wonderful features are also considered, some of the most useful of which are:

WooCommerce sales report email

One of the handy features of this plugin is the ability to send emails to managers at different time intervals. You can specify different time frames such as daily, weekly, monthly, and annually to let the plugin generate reports and send them to your email automatically.

Set automated email report
Set automated email report in WooCommerce report plugin

Issuing invoices for orders

By using this option, you can print a purchase invoice for each order.

Export WooCommerce analytics data

Sometimes you need to get an output file from reports and analyze it on your system or send it to someone else. There is no need to worry. The WooCommerce Reporting plugin has a solution for this issue. Click on the export option to receive reports in pdf, CSV, or Xls formats.

Export WooCommerce reports
Export WooCommerce reports
WooCommerce Report Plugin banner


When you, as a site manager, take responsibility for an online store with any type of activity, whether a service or a virtual or physical product sale, you must have a goal, which is generally to sell more products and earn more income.

This is why it is necessary to pay high attention to the supervision and management of your e-commerce website. One of the most important topics affecting the success of online stores is information, in other words, a report on the sale of products.

In this article, we introduced you to the WooCommerce report plugin that can help you to get a lot of information about your sales and the productivity of your online shop.

With the help of this plugin, you can calculate the amount of the profit or loss in a period, which is important in planning to boost your sales in a certain period.

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