Digital marketing strategies, compared to traditional methods, are more useful and effective for attracting customers and increasing your conversions. By using the new ways of marketing, you have no limits on how to market your products. One of these methods, which is very popular among online stores is giveaway free gifts which are really helpful when you need to encourage visitors to do exactly what you need.
As the name suggests, gifts are attractive and have the ability to tempt every user to perform any action you expect. Even if they don’t intend to buy products or services from your site, by offering a free gift, you can persuade them to visit your online shop and fill out a form to receive the gifts in the future.
In this article, we are going to comprehensively help you to increase your conversions with giveaway free gifts. Before going any further, let’s see what is conversion and why it matters for your site.
What is the conversion rate?
Conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who click on the link of your website or your landing pages (i.e., take the action you want). Depending on your business goals, a “conversion” can be almost anything, but the most common types are:

- Making purchases;
- Completing and sending a form (contact form, interested customer generation form, and similar items);
- Contact your company;
- Using your website’s online chat system;
- Registration or subscription (paid or free, such as a subscription to a weekly newsletter);
- Registering on the website and activating the user account;
- Downloading an item (a trial software, e-book, mobile app, etc.);
- Use something (for example, new or improved features of a software or app or even using your software or app for a certain period);
- Upgrading of received services (for example, upgrading from regular to professional plan);
- More interaction with the site (increasing the time spent on the website, more referrals, visiting more pages of the site, etc.).
What are the best strategies to increase conversion rates with free gifts?
The methods of providing free gifts can be done in different ways, the most common of which are the following 5 methods.
Giveaway free gifts for new customers
When a new customer enters an online store or a visitor enters your online shop for the first time, they are not ready to do what you expect them to do, but by offering a free gift, you can encourage them to take the action you want and increase your conversion rate as a result.
Offer Free gift for returning customers
If you have a customer loyalty club, your job is easier and you can use your free gift strategy to reward returning customers. For example, once a customer has purchased from you, you can offer them a reward for returning to your store and buying again through a special link that will increase your conversion rate.
A report showed that 76% of customers go to the store again based on their purchase history. Therefore, you have a great opportunity to bring them back to the store by giving promotions and discounts based on their previous purchases.
Increase conversion rate by offering gift on abandoned carts
60% of online purchases called abandoned shopping carts remain incomplete for unknown reasons. Therefore, with the free gift strategy and offering special discounts to buyers, a part of them can be returned to the site and the conversion rate can be increased.

Of course, the important point here is that the gift provided for the abandoned carts should be reasonable. Considering a permanent gift on all abandoned carts simply creates a negative expectation in customers and they will repeat the process just to get the gift.
Therefore, your strategy can be to run your campaign for a limited time and increase the desire of customers to return to your site in this period.
Offer Free gift in case of customer membership
A real store must define a customer club for its customer membership. The customer club is an internet space where customers can become members and the possibility of advertising and marketing is provided for the store owner. Besides, the customers of the store also use it as a tool to get more discounts and exchange opinions with other customers.
But the online store has a different registration process and customers can enter their information including email and contact number on the site. From this stage onwards, the store owner can recognize his permanent and potential customers and design a new sales strategy based on their purchases.
However, if you can convince customers to visit your site and join the customer club, you have increased your conversion rate. Therefore, you can easily launch a free gift campaign for visitors who join your customer club and encourage them to subscribe.
How to increase the conversion rate by marketing with free gifts?
If you want to have the most efficiency to increase the conversion rate from marketing with free gifts, you must inform your target audience and buyers in any way.
It means that you should try different channels to provide the free gift announcement or offer to the users and those who are looking to order or buy something close to what you are selling. In simpler words, you should use any tool to make your offer more visible. This is the only way that you can increase your conversion rate faster and increase sales in a shorter period.
One of the best solutions and channels for announcing your free gift campaign is using Instagram, Facebook, or Tweeter. You can prepare an advertising banner and offer your free gift in cooperation with influencers who have many followers. Users who intend to buy and receive gifts from any business will soon visit your online store and look for affordable purchases. In this way, they will surely enter your site and as a result, your conversion rate will also increase.
What plugin should we use to offer a free gift in the WooCommerce store?
In this article, you reviewed different strategies for using free gifts to increase conversion rates and learned what methods to use to advertise your offers. But the most important point here is how to offer free gifts in a WooCommerce store. As you know, it is not possible to create free gift rules directly in WooCommerce, but by installing the free gift for WooCommerce plugin, you can easily create several rules based on different strategies and determine the conditions for adding gifts to the shopping cart.

Some of the most important rules you can create to increase conversion rates using this plugin are:
- Adding gifts to the shopping cart of those users who registered on the site
- Offer a free gift to customers who have purchased a specific product or item
- Providing free gifts to buyers who have purchased products from your store on a specific date
The free gift for WooCommerce plugin has a very simple user interface and you don’t need coding skills to work with it.
Free Gift For WooCommerce Plugin