
2 easy ways to get customer purchase history reports in WooCommerce

Customer purchase history reports
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One of the reports that store managers need to analyze for evaluating product sales is the customer purchase history report. By receiving this report, they can identify which products have been ordered the most by each customer. With this information, they can decide about their future online store’s development strategies. In this post, we will show you how to get WooCommerce customer purchase history report in WooCommerce with and without a plugin.

What is the customer purchase history report?

In the customer purchase history report, store owners usually find a list of products ordered by the customers in a specified date range. Other information such as the name of customers, the number of products, the order amount, and many more are reported to enable store owners to evaluate their customers at one glance better.

Get WooCommerce customer purchase history reports without a plugin

To get the WooCommerce customer purchase history report without a plugin, you need to navigate to the below address and open the All Order page:

WordPress Dashboard > WooCommerce > Orders

select orders section in WooCommerce menu

Here, you can see a list of all orders in the table.

Now, follow the below steps to get the customer order history report:

Filter WooCommerce orders

The first step to reviewing the customer purchase history report is filtering the orders by the customer. You can write the Name or Email of the customer and choose it from the list in the Filtered by registered customer field. Then by pressing the Filter button, the orders placed by the selected customer will be displayed to the table.

It is also possible to receive a monthly WooCommerce purchase history report by choosing one month from the “All date” field. Otherwise, all orders registered by the selected customer will be reported.

WooCommerce filter orders

Preview the WooCommerce customer orders

After filtering the customer, you see a list of orders registered by him/her in the table. Now, to review WooCommerce customer purchase history, click on the Preview icon:

Preview the WooCommerce customer orders

In the pop-up page that just appeared, you can see details of each order including;

  • Billing Details: Including customer name and Email, address, payment method, etc.
  • Product: The products purchased in this order.
  • Quantity: The quantity of purchased products.
  • Total: The total amount of customer orders.
result order details in WooCommerce

Generating customer history reports in WooCommerce without a plugin is not user-friendly. You need to go through a time-consuming process and review the customer order one by one. In addition, the filtering options are not very flexible and you just have a date or customer name filtering options.

To solve these problems, we recommend you use the WooCommerce report plugin as one of the most useful tools for generating more than 50 WooCommerce sales reports with one click.

Generate customer purchase history reports with the WooCommerce report plugin

The WooCommerce report plugin comes with all the tools and options you need to generate different types of WooCommerce sales reports. It is a comprehensive and practical extension that helps store managers easily review and track their online store sales by getting order reports, customer reports product reports, etc.

Let’s see how this plugin lets you get a customer purchase report with one click.

Step 1: Install WooCommerce report plugin 

To generate a customer sales report with this plugin, first, you need to download and then install it on your WordPress website. After activation, you will see the iT Woo Report menu in the WordPress Dashboard. Click on this menu to visit the main page of the plugin.

select iT Woo Report menu in WooCommerce

All reports you need to evaluate the performance of your online store are listed in the left panel and you can generate them just with one click.

To show you the advantages of using the WooCommerce report plugin, we will review generating all types of WooCommerce customer purchase history reports in the next step.

WooCommerce Report Plugin banner

Step 2: Get customer purchase history report in the WooCommerce report plugin

Two types of customer history reports are available in the WooCommerce report plugin which are 

  • Customer order history report by product. 
  • Customer purchase report by category.

In both reports, you can find useful information about the products that customers ordered in a specific date range.

Let’s review how to generate these reports, briefly.

WooCommerce customer purchase history report by product

WooCommerce customer purchase history report by product is useful when you want to review which products were ordered by customers. 

Follow the below instructions to get customer purchase history report by product:

  1. Open the Product tab. 
  2. Click the Purchased Product By customer sub-menu.
select Purchased Product By customer sub menu in Product tab
  1. On the new page, click on the Search icon.
  2. Set a date range by using the built-in calendar.
Set a date range by using the built in calendar
  1. Press the Search button to get the report.

In this report, you can find a list of customers with other information reported in the separate columns of the table including:

  1. Product SKU
  2. Customer Name
  3. Customer Email
  4. Customer Phone
  5. Product Name
  6. Sales Quantity
  7. Current Stock
  8. Amount

There is also a summary report at the end of the table reporting the total Sales Quantity and Total Amount.

WooCommerce customer purchase per product report

WooCommerce purchase history report by category

WooCommerce purchase history report by category provides great information about which product categories were ordered by customers.

To get this report, you need to press Purchased Category by Customers in the Product tab:

select purchased category by customers sub menu in product tab

Then set a date range in the Search form:

set date range in purchased category search form

By clicking the Search button, the WooCommerce customer purchase history report by category will be generated with the following columns:

  • Customer Email
  • Customer Name
  • Product category
  • Sales quantity
  • Amount

You can also find the total Sales Quantity and Total Amount in the summary report at the bottom of the table.

WooCommerce customer purchase per category report

Extra Feature of WooCommerce report plugin

In the WooCommerce report plugin, you can access some extra features for customizing and exporting your sales reports. Let’s get familiar with some of them.

Select report column

Select report column is one of the most useful features provided on top of the report tables allowing you to filter which columns to display in the report.

You can easily open the list of Select Columns and mark/unmark the columns you need in the list.

select report column in WooCommerce report plugin

Search and filter report

To help you easily find the information you need, we designed a Search box on the right corner of the table reports. In this Search box, you can type any required data to instruct the plugin to filter the report based on.

For example, in the customer purchase report by category, you can search a customer’s name to review which categories were included in his/her orders. You can also search one category to review which customers have placed orders from that specific category.

Search and filter report in WooCommerce report plugin

Export WooCommerce customer order history report

In WooCommerce report plugin, you can export the generated reports by pressing the Download icon on the top of the table and choose one of the below formats:

  • Excel
  • CSV
  • PDF
Export WooCommerce customer order history report

If you want a hard copy of your report, simply click on the Print option.

Why do store owners need customer purchase history reports?

Tracking customer purchase history helps store owners to plan a marketing strategy for encouraging customers to return to the online stores and repurchase the products. Analyzing this report can recognize which product is more favorable for each customer. So, when a new version of that product is available in the online store, they can offer special discounts or gifts to persuade the customer to purchase that product again.

WooCommerce Report Plugin banner


Customer purchase history reports in WooCommerce are one of the most important reports that managers of online stores need to analyze to plan the future development of their business. In this post, we introduced the WooCommerce report plugin to prepare this report. In addition to the awesome and high-quality features that this plugin offers you to receive WooCommerce sales reports; It easily helps the manager to analyze the store’s performance and plan for their business development.

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